Sunday, April 13, 2008

Layout problem

I checked my website on my laptop, which has IE6 (I created my website pages on my desktop with IE7 installed). The content of the column on the right does not have enough space to fit inside the column itself and is pushed down. IE6 calculates the with of the column somehow different from firefox or IE7 (probably some padding or margin issue). So much of a css layout. Yes, it makes loading of page faster, but you can not be sure that it will be displayed correctly without checking it first on different browsers. Alright, enough complaining, I am going to fix it now.


Joel N. said...

THat's what you get for using IE!! Your tutorial here is really cool. Thanks for showing in such detail.

Christy said...

Alex your web skills are amazing! Thanks for all your help tonight!!!

Johannes said...

I hear you! I really hate that browsers still interpret CSS differently. Quite sad that after all these years of internet and website development there is not yet a standard every browser strictly follows.

Brice said...

The look of your blog is great, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do for the final project since you've enrolled in this class with some serious skills.

Dorothy said...

I really lke the look of your blog. I am going to find some custome ideas for mine as well.