Monday, April 21, 2008

General thoughts on the website so far.

Today I spent more time on enhancing user experience, getting rid of some bugs and tuning up stylesheets. Now, when I have two stylesheets, I have to check each new page against each of them.

Another problem is that we don’t use any server side platform, which makes routine tasks of maintaining web pages much harder. For example, if I needed to change a menu item, I could have done it in one place (xml file, database, server include), and not by going to every html page, which has the menu. (I already did several of such edits for different reasons). That is why I am reluctant to add new pages until I am confident that the ones I have so far work well. I also might add some general functionality to a page and would be forced to go back to all existing pages and change them accordingly.

I might try to hide the blogspot blue bar and add the link, which will reveal the bar on a click.

I also noticed how easy it became to go back and forth between blog and my website. I can actually type and click home button to get to my site, which is somewhat shorter and easier to remember than .
May be I should add links to the blackboard, course's website and wiki page, everything in one place.


Commisioner said...

As a classmate with absolutely no web experience,I am impressed with your skills. I hope that by the end of this course, I can derive more meaning from your blogs!!
In the meantime, I can say that I do like the countdown section on your homepage.

Nancy K said...

I agree with Nik's posting as I don't have any web posting experience either. The idea of having links to blackboard and the course's website and wiki is great.